Budo "ala carte"
When is Budo not Budo?
This is a tough question!
All the web forums I have read over the past few years seem to be constantly discussing or disecting Martial arts and what is most important about them. Some will stress the technical skills, the self defense applications, still others the phsyical conditioning, or the pyschological/mental aspects, or the spiritual aspects.
Mixed Martial Arts guys will scoff at the so-called purist for acting "pseudo japanese" wearing hakama, bowing, talking about KI, etc.
The so-called "purist" will scoff at the MMA guys as knuckle dragging barbarians wearing tatoos and beach shorts and skin tight lycra shirts, and Multi-colored GIs covered in patches.
So who is right, which one has the corner on budo? Both and Neither!
The right answer is it depends! It depends on your goals and objectives.
No one art or training methodolgy can hold the keys to nirvana or success.
Our society today is an ala carte society. We are accustomed to choice and tailored made options. While Budo may be about the perfection of total self, that is, the body, mind and soul, that does not mean that a budoka, or warrior on the path, must obtain this all in one place. A person may go to church for spiritual growth, they may go to the gym for fitness, to a dietician for health, and group therapy to improve their mind.
It is okay to mix it up and tailor make your path to self improvement and refinement. What is important is that you understand clearly why you are doing what you are doing and to approach your practice everyday with this in mind. It is easy to lose site of this in training and focus on the wrong things and be distracted.
One concern I have is how do you synthesize all this stuff and tie it all back together into the complete package that is you? How do you ensure that you have the "right mixed" and balance out things to be a well rounded, and happy individual?
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